- 黃郁涵 (Yu-Han Huang) / 指導教授:林時彥研究員
Title: Wafer-scale and Layer Number Controllable Molybdenum Disulfide Films for Light Sensing Devices - 彭梓育 (Tzu Yu Peng) / 指導教授:呂宥蓉副研究員
Title: Gate-Tunable Plexciton Emission in Monolayer MoS2 Coupled with Nitride-Based Plasmonic Heterostructures - 王彥又 (Yen-Yu Wang) / 指導教授:呂宥蓉副研究員
Title: Room-Temperature, Tunable Lasing from Quasi-2D Perovskites Integrated with Plasmonic Lattices - 張廷偉 (Ting-Wei Chang) / 指導教授:魏培坤主任
Title: Digital Color Local Surface Plasmon Resonance Detection of Interleukin-6 from Human Plasma Sample
張捷君 (Chieh-Chun Chang) / 指導教授:張允崇副研究員
Title: Arrays of Split-Ring Resonator embedded in a Free-Standing Gold Membrane for Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption Biosensing Platform