Yi-Chung Tung

Executive Officer of TCIB Research Fellow
Yi-Chung Tung  Yi-Chung Tung
(Page on ORCID)
Mail tungygate.sinica.edu.tw
call 02-2787-3138
ID 0000-0002-6170-2992
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Yi-Chung Tung

Executive Officer of TCIB Research Fellow
Research Interests
    • Microfluidic Cell Culture and Analysis
    • Biomedical Instruments
    • Advanced Micro/Nano Fabrication Techniques
  • Ph. D. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (2005)
  • M.S.E. in Electrical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (2004)
  • M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University (1998)
  • B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University (1996)
Positions and Career
  • Research Fellow/Professor, Research Center for Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan 2018 - )
  • Associate Research Fellow/Professor, Research Center for Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan (2013 - 2018)
  • Assistant Research Fellow/Professor, Research Center for Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan (2009 - 2013)
  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Biomedical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (2006 - 2009)
Honors and Awards
  • 2020-2022 Scientist with Top 2% Single Year Impact
  • 2018 Project for Excellent Junior Research Investigators, Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)
  • 2016 Career Development Award, Academia Sinica
  • 2016 Top 10% Highly Cited Author, Analytical Portfolio of Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Journals
  • 2014 Ta-You Wu Memorial Award, Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)
Selected Publications
  • D.-M. Chang, H.-H. Hsu, P.-L. Ko, T.-H. Hsieh, H.-M. Wu*, and Y.-C. Tung*, "Rapid Time-Lapse 3D Oxygen Tension Measurement within Hydrogels Using Widefield Frequency Domain Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FD-FLIM) and Image Segmentation," Analyst, Vol. 149, Issue 6, pp. 727-1737, March 2024. (Featured as the back cover image)
  • H.-H. Hsu, P.-L. Ko, C.-C. Peng, Y.-J. Cheng, H.-M. Wu, and Y.-C. Tung*, "Studying Sprouting Angiogenesis under Combination of Oxygen Gradients and Co-Culture of Fibroblasts Using Microfluidic Cell Culture Model," Materials Today Bio, Vol. 21, 100703, August 2023.
  • C.-W. Chang, H.-C. Shih, M. Cortes-Medina, P. E. Beshay, A. Avendano, A. J. Seibel, W.-H. Liao, Y-C. Tung*, and J. W. Song*, "ECM-Derived Biophysical Cues Mediate Interstitial Flow-Induced Sprouting Angiogenesis," ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 15, pp. 15047-15088, March 2023.
  • P.-L. Ko, C.-K. Wang, H.-H. Hsu, T.-A. Lee, and Y.-C. Tung*, "Revealing Anisotropic Elasticity of Endothelium under Fluid Shear Stress," Acta Biomaterialia, Vol. 145, pp. 316-328, June 2022.
  • Y.-C. Tung, C.-K. Wang, Y.-K. Huang, C.-K. Huang, C.-C. Peng, B. Patra, H.-K. Chen, P.-N. Tsao*, and T.-Y. Ling*, "Identifying Distinct Oxygen Diffusivity through Type I Pneumocyte-Like Cell Layers Using Microfluidic Device," Talanta, Vol. 236, 122882, January 2022.
  • Y.-C. Chen, J.-J. Chen, Y.-J. Hsiao, C.-Z. Xie, C.-C. Peng, Y.-C. Tung*, and Y.-F. Chen*, "Plasmonic Gel Films for Time-Lapse LSPR Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide Secreted from Living Cells," Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Vol. 336, 129725, June 2021.
  • H.-H. Hsu, P.-L. Ko, H.-M. Wu, H.-C. Line, C.-K. Wang, and Y.-C. Tung*, "Study Formation of Three-Dimensional Endothelial Cell Network under Various Oxygen Microenvironment and Hydrogel Composition Combinations Using Upside-Down Microfluidic Device," Small, Vol. 17, Issue 15, 2006091, April 2021. (Featured as the inside back cover image)
  • H.-C. Shih, T.-A. Lee, H.-M. Wu, P.-L. Ko, W.-H. Liao, and Y.-C. Tung*, "Microfluidic Collective Cell Migration Assay for Study of Endothelial Cell Proliferation and Migration under Combinations of Oxygen Gradients, Tensions, and Drug Treatments," Scientific Reports, Vol. 9, 8234, June 2019.
  • H.-M. Wu, T.-A. Lee, P.-L. Ko, W.-H. Liao, T.-H. Hsieh, and Y.-C. Tung*, "Widefield Frequency Domain Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FD-FLIM) for Accurate Measurement of Oxygen Gradients within Microfluidic Devices," Analyst, Vol. 144, Issue 11, pp. 3494-3504, June 2019. (Featured as the inside back cover image)