
應科中心副主任 研究員
Min-Hsiung Shih  Min-Hsiung Shih
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Mail mhshihgate.sinica.edu.tw
call 02-2787-3184
ID 0000-0002-5627-7098
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應科中心副主任 研究員
Research Interests
    • Nanophtonics
    • Two-dimensional materials and devices
    • Plasmonic devices
    • Photonic crystal devices
    • High-Q cavities for quantum communication
  • B.S. in Physics, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) (1995)
  • M.S. in Physics, National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) (1997)
  • Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering/Electrophysics, University of Southern California (USC) (2006)
Positions and Career
  • Deputy Director, Research Center for Applied Sciences (RCAS), Academia Sinica (2023 – )
  • Acting Executive Officer of the thematic center for Green Technology, RCAS, Academia Sinica (2020 – 2022)
  • Research Fellow, RCAS, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (2016 – )
  • Associate Research Fellow, RCAS, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (2011 – 2016)
  • Assistant Research Fellow, RCAS, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (2007 – 2011)
  • Adjunct Professor, Department of Photonics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (2017 – )
  • Adjunct Professor, Department of Photonics, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan (2017 – )
  • Postdoctoral Associate, University of Southern California (USC), USA (2006 – 2007)
Honors and Awards
  • 2021 International Electron Devices & Materials Symposium (IEDMS), Excellent paper award
  • 2021 Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference (OPTIC), Paper award
  • The Optical Society (OSA) Senior member (2016 – )
  • 2010 Lam Research PhD Thesis Award, National Chiao Tung University (Advisor)
  • 2011 Taiwan Photonics Society PhD Thesis Award (Advisor)
  • 2016 Lam Research PhD Thesis Award, National Chiao Tung University (Advisor)
Selected Publications
  • Y-H Chang, Y-S Lin, J. S. Konthoujam, H-T Lin, C-Y Chang, Z-Z Chen, Y-W Zhang, S-Y Lin, H-C Kuo, M-H Shih*, "AC-driven multicolor electroluminescence from a hybrid WSe2 monolayer/AlGaInP quantum well light-emitting device", Nanoscale , 15(3), 1347 (2023).
  • H-T Lin, C-Y Chang, C-L Yu, A. B. Lee, S-Y Gu, L-S Lu, Y-W Zhang, S-Y Lin, W-H Chang, S-W Chang, M-H Shih*, "Boost Lasing Performances of 2D Semiconductor in a Hybrid Tungsten Diselenide Monolayer/ Cadmium Selenide Quantum Dots Microcavity Laser", Advanced Optical Materials, 10, 2200799 (2022).
  • C-Y Chang, C-L Yu, C-A Lin, H-T Lin, A B Lee, Z-Z Chen, L-S Lu, W-H Chang, H-C Kuo, M-H Shih*, "Hybrid Composites of Quantum Dots, Monolayer WSe2, and Ag Nanodisks for White Light-Emitting Diodes", ACS Applied Nano Materials, 3(7) 6855 (2020).
  • C-Y Chang, H-T Lin, M-S Lai, C-L Yu, C-R Wu, H-C Chou, S-Y Lin, C. Chen and M-H Shih*, "Large-Area and Strain-Reduced Two- Dimensional Molybdenum Disulfide Monolayer Emitters on a Three- Dimensional Substrates", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11, 26243 (2019)
  • H-T Lin, C-Y Chang, P-J Cheng, M-Y Li, C-C Cheng, S-W Chang, L. L. J. Li, C-W Chu, P-K Wei, M-H Shih*, "Circular Dichroism Control of Tungsten Diselenide (WSe2) Atomic Layers with Plasmonic Metamolecules", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10, 15996 (2018)
  • M.-H. Shih*, K.-S. Hsu, K. Lee, K.-T. Lai, C.-T. Lin, and P.-T. Lee, "Compact Tunable Laser With InGaAsP Photonic Crystal Nanorods for C-Band Communication," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 21, 1, (2015)
  • Kevin C. J. Lee, Y.-H. Chen, H.-Y. Lin, C.-C. Cheng, P.-Y. Chen, T.- Y. Wu, M.-H. Shih*, K.-H. Wei, L.-J. Li & C.-W. Chang, "Plasmonic Gold Nanorods Coverage Influence on Enhancement of the Photoluminescence of Two-Dimensional MoS2 Monolayer", Scientific Reports, 5, 16374 (2015)
  • M.-H. Shih*, L.-J..Li, Y.-C. Yang, H.-Y. Chou, C.-T. Lin, C.-Y. Su, "Efficient Heat Dissipation of Photonic Crystal Microcavity by Monolayer Graphene", ACS Nano, 7(12), 10818 (2013)
  • C-W Cheng, M. N. Abbas, C-W Chiu, K-T Lai, M.-H. Shih*, and Y.-C. Chang, "Wide-angle polarization independent infrared broadband absorbers based on metallic multi-sized disk arrays," Optics Express 20(9), 10376 (2012)
  • M.-H. Shih*, K. Hsu, W. Kuang, Y. Yang, Y. Wang, S. Tsai, Y. Liu, Z. Chang, and M. Wu, "Compact optical curvature sensor with a flexible microdisk laser on a polymer substrate", Optics Letters 34, 2733 (2009)