
Yu-Jung Lin  Yu-Jung Lin
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Mail linyujunggate.sinica.edu.tw
call 02-2787-3144
ID 0000-0002-2507-3551
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Research Interests
    • Development of drug delivery systems
    • Development of therapeutic gas-generating systems
  • Ph.D. in Physiology, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan (2014)
Positions and Career
  • Assistant Research Fellow, Research Center for Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan (2020~present)
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan (2015~2020)
  • Visiting Scholar, Department of Physiology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA (2011~2013)
Honors and Awards
  • 2022 Cross-Generation Young Scholars Program (Emerging Young Scholars), National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan
  • 2020 Young Investigator Award, Prof. Chau-Jen Lee Biomedical Engineering Development Foundation, Taiwan
  • 2019 Best Research Paper Award for Postdoctoral Fellows, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Selected Publications
  • Ngo, T. L. H., Wang, K. L., Pan, W. Y., Ruan, T.*, Lin, Y. J.* Immunomodulatory prodrug micelles imitate mild heat effects to reshape tumor microenvironment for enhanced cancer immunotherapy. ACS Nano 2024, 18, 5632–5646.
  • Ruan, T., Fu, C. Y., Lin, C. H., Chou, K. C., Lin, Y. J.* Nanocontrollermediated dissolving hydrogel that can sustainably release coldmimetic menthol to induce adipocyte browning for treating obesity and its related metabolic disorders. Biomaterials 2023, 297, 122120.
  • Wu, C. Y., Mac, C. H., Yang, T. H., Nguyen, K., Lo, S. K., Chang, Y., Lai, P. L., Sung, H. W.*, Lin, Y. J.* Nanoscale photocatalytic hydrogen production system mitigates inflammation by harnessing glycolysis waste. Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 476, 146614.
  • Chou, C. W., Chia, W. T., Mac, C. H., Wu, C. Y., Chen, C. C., Song, H. L., Lin, Y. H., Lin, Y. J.*, Sung, H. W.* Selective accumulation of ionic nanocrystal H2 storage system as an in situ H2/boric acid nanogenerator fights against ethanol-induced gastric ulcers. Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 463, 142373.
  • Nguyen, N., Lin, Z. H., Barman, S. R. Korupalli, C., Cheng, J. Y., Song, N. X., Chang, Y., Mi, F. L., Song, H. L., Sung, H. W.*, Lin, Y. J.* Engineering an integrated electroactive dressing to accelerate wound healing and monitor noninvasively progress of healing. Nano Energy 2022, 99, 107393.
  • Mac, C. H., Chan, H. Y., Lin, Y. H., Sharma, A. K., Song, H. L., Chan, Y. S., Lin, K. J.*, Lin, Y. J.*, Sung, H. W.* Engineering a biomimetic bone scaffold that can regulate redox homeostasis and promote osteogenesis to repair large bone defects. Biomaterials 2022, 286, 121574.
  • Miao, Y. B.†, Lin, Y. J.†, Chen, K. H.†, Luo, P. K., Chuang, S. H., Yu, Y. T., Tai, H. M., Chen, C. T., Lin, K. J., Sung, H. W. Engineering nanoand microparticles as oral delivery vehicles to promote intestinal lymphatic drug transport. Advanced Materials 2021, 33, e2104139. (†Equal Contribution)
  • Korupalli, C., Li, H., Nguyen, N., Mi, F. L., Chang, Y., Lin, Y. J.*, Sung, H. W.* Conductive materials for healing wounds: their incorporation in electroactive wound dressings, characterization, and perspectives. Advanced Healthcare Materials 2021, 10, 2001384.
  • Lin, Y. J., Chen, C. C., Nguyen, D., Su, H. R., Lin, K. J., Chen, H. L., Hu, Y. J., Lai, P. L., Sung, H. W. Biomimetic engineering of a scavengerfree nitric oxide-generating/delivering system to enhance radiation therapy. Small 2020, 16, e2000655. (Selected as Inside Cover)
  • Lin, Y. J., Chen, C. C., Chi, N. W., Nguyen, T., Lu, H. Y., Nguyen, D., Lai, P. L., Sung, H. W. In situ self-assembling micellar depots that can actively trap and passively release NO with long-lasting activity to reverse osteoporosis. Advanced Materials 2018, 30, e1705605.