
Bi-Chang Chen  Bi-Chang Chen
(Page on ORCID)
Mail chenb10gate.sinica.edu.tw
call 02-2787-3133
ID 0000-0002-1876-7432


Research Interests
    • Super-resolution fluorescence imaging
    • Fast 3D live imaging
    • Developing Lightsheet microscopy technique
    • Imaging on the expanded clarified tissuee
  • 1997~2001, B.S., Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
  • 2001~2003, M.S., Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
  • 2006~2011, Ph. D., Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA
Positions and Career
  • Associate Research Fellow, Research Center for Applied Sciences Academia Sinica (2020–Present)
  • Assistant Research Fellow, Research Center for Applied Sciences Academia Sinica (2014–2020)
  • Postdoctoral Associate, Howard Hughes Medical Institute/Janelia Research Campus, USA (2011–2014)
Honors and Awards
  • The 2015 AAAS Newcomb Cleveland Prize
  • 2020 18th Y. Z. Hsu Science Paper Award, Optoelectronics Science & Technology Category
  • 2021 Academia Sinica Early-Career Investigator Research Achievement Award
Selected Publications
  • W.-C. Tang, Y.-T. Liu, C.-H. Yeh, Y.-L. Lin, Y.-C. Lin, T.-L. Hsu, L. Gao, P. Chen*, and B.-C. Chen*, "Optogenetic Manipulation of Cell Migration with High Spatiotemporal Resolution Using Lattice Lightsheet Microscopy" Communications Biology , 5, 879, DOI:10.1038/s42003- 022-03835-6 (2022)
  • Fan, Y.-J.*; Hsieh, H.-Y.; Huang, Y.-R.; Tsao, C.; Lee, C.-M.; Tahara,H.; Wu,Y.-C.; Sheen, H.-J.*; Chen, B.-C.*, "Development of a water refractive index-matched microneedle integrated into a light sheet microscopy system for continuous embryonic cell imaging", Lab on a chip , 22, 584-591 DOI:10.1039/D1LC00827G (2022)
  • Lin, M.-H., Chen, J.-C., Tian, X., Lee, C.-M., Yu,I-S., Lo, Y.-F., Uchida, S., Huang, C.-L., Chen, B.-C.*; Cheng, C.-J.*, "Impairment in renal medulla development underlies salt wasting in Clc-k2 channel deficiency", JCI Insight , 9:151039 ; DOI:10.1172/jci.insight (2021) selected as the cover image
  • Fan, Y.-J.*, Hsieh, H.-Y., Tsai, S.-F., Wu, C.-H., Lee, C.-M., Liu, Y.-T., Lu, C.-H., Chang, S.-W.*, Chen, B.-C.*, "Microfluidic channel integrated with a lattice lightsheet microscopic system for continuous cell imaging" Lab on a chip , 21, 344 DOI: 10.1039/d0lc01009j (2021)
  • Tsai, Y.-C.; Tang, W.-C.; Low, C. S. L.; Liu, Y.-T.; Wu, J.-S.; Lee, P.-Y.; Lin, Y.-L.; Kanchanawong, P.; Gao, L, and Chen, B.-C.* "Rapid High Resolution 3D Imaging of Expanded Biological Specimens with Lattice Lightsheet Microscopy", Methods , 174, 11-19 DOI:10.1016/j.ymeth.2019.04.006 (2020)
  • Chu, L.-A., Lu, C.-H., Yang, S.-M., Liu, Y-T, Feng, K.-L., Tsai, Y.-C., Chang, W.-K., Wang, W.-C., Chang, S.-W., Chen, P.; Lee, T.-K., Hwu, Y.-K., Chiang, A.-S.*; and Chen, B.-C.*, "Rapid single-wavelength lightsheet localization microscopy for clarified tissue" Nature Communications, 10, 4762, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-12715-3 (2019)
  • Lu, C.-H.; Tang, W.-C.; Liu, Y.-T.; Wu, F. C. M.; Chen, C. Y.; Tsai, Y. C.; Yang, S.-M; Kuo, C.-W.; Okada, Y.; Hwu, Y.-K.; Chang, S.-W.; Chen, P. * and Chen, B.-C.*, "Lightsheet localization microscopy enables fast, large-scale, and three-dimensional super-resolution imaging." Communications Biology, 2, 177 DOI:10.1038/s42003-019-0403-9 (2019)
  • Gao, L. *; Tang,W.-C.; Tsai, Y.-C.; Chen, B.-C.* "Lattice light sheet microscopy using tiling lattice light sheets" Opt. Express, 27 1497- 1506 DOI:10.1364/OE.27.001497 (2019)